Dim your lights for that romantic mood

Bright lights - boost our energyDim lights - add intimacy and atmosphere So, for Valentine's Day dimming is key. Lover, warmer light levels evoke the feel of candlelight or an open fire. Comfortable and romantic.
Dimm your lights for romance and atmosphere
No wonder high-end restaurants turn the lights down a bit as the evening progresses. It invites to relax and linger , eat, drink, and visit. (Fast-food places that want a quick turn-over of guests of course keep the place brightly lit at all hours. This gives them a fast-paced, clean, fresh, energetic feel.) So, for Valentine's Day you'd most likely choose the first type of restaurant for a romantic meal.
At home you can change the atmosphere of a room dramatically by adding dimmers. And dimmers are not just for the living areas. With an open floor plan you might want to be able to dim the lights in your kitchen after you have finished cooking, so you still can see the beautiful cabinetry and counter tops, but not necessarily have the kitchen area take center stage.
When you take a soak in the tub after a long day at work, you might not really want the light level you need to wake up in the morning. A dimmer on the vanity and overhead lights works wonders. And the dim lights can double as nightlights if your fixtures dim down to a very low level .
This photo, as stylish as it is, does have the table lamp too close to the tub for comfort. Think safety, too, and only use additional lights far away from water. But it shows that you can be creative with the lighting in your bathroom. Think outside the box!